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This one comes with VUE source code

Function clarification:
Distribution function: Users can get task rebates when they pull new ones, three-level distribution logic.

Users who recruit new members can get a certain percentage of rebates, and the percentage of rebates varies depending on the level of the member.

Member functions: Members can set the commission rate for tasks based on different levels, as well as the issue of withdrawal fees and the number of times when tasks are posted. The price for members to do tasks is different from the rebate for ordinary users to do tasks.

Task settings: include daily collection settings for non-members, abandonment of task collection function settings, background custom settings for task review time, and task rebate settings for ordinary users.

Alliance configuration: The alliance function interface has been tested and perfected, and online benefits have been completed. Each platform management only needs to apply for an alliance account to connect with alliance related tasks. Divided into 8/2 distribution.

Other settings: include minimum withdrawal settings, minimum commission settings for single task release, daily withdrawal times, task reputation score settings, and configuration for problems such as reducing task reputation scores that cannot be completed.

Points Mall: Earning points can be redeemed for some gifts from the platform in the mall, which improves user stickiness and adds more highlights to the platform.

Statistical related: Including the alliance's financial statistics and mission response statistics. User financial statistics, and platform data analysis.

User management: You can recharge users online in the background, with clear and detailed accounts, task details, and fund details. Convenient platform management.

Task classification: The background calls to the slide task interface based on classification. Customize task classification titles and task navigation pictures.

Task management: Including the platform's task list and user task list, as well as related management of task orders.

Cash withdrawal and recharge: Identification and disposal have been made on this issue. According to the qualifications of users, many merchants do not have the function of paying change for enterprises.

It can be set to manual withdrawal in the early stage, or automatic withdrawal can be set to if there is a corporate pay-to-change function. Ordinary withdrawals in the withdrawal list are used as QR codes and transferred to task users. Merchant automatic withdrawals can be directly transferred to the user's WeChat wallet.

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Five Games Alliance chess and card game source code (room card + gold coin + alliance + building video tutorial)
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The source code (theme/plug-in/application source code) and other resources provided by this site are only for learning and exchange

Commercial use is prohibited, otherwise all consequences will be borne by the downloading user!

Some resources are collected or copied online. If they infringe on your legitimate rights and interests, please write to us.

Currently, members have a big reward, and the current price for a lifetime member is 299 gold coins.Recent price adjustments

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