The source code is for testing only and should not be used commercially. The source code comes from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact me to remove it.

The new functional modules of Youth Blog are as follows:

Cut down talk and photo album:

In the new version, the previous talk and album functions have been deleted to reduce unnecessary functions. During the use of the blog, these two functions were hardly used.
Unified comment:

The previous comment system used a separate table storage method, but now it seems redundant. In the new version, the comment tables are merged into one, simplifying data management for the comment system.
QQ as a user:

The previous email extension feature has been removed, and now only comments are allowed using QQ accounts. This change improves the real-time nature of comments. At the same time, it plans to add IP and QQ blacklist settings to prevent malicious behavior, and expand the membership center and IM functions.
The data filling of comments is simplified:

The process of filling in the comment box has been simplified and there is no need to enter a lot of useless information. The comment box will obtain nickname, name, avatar and other information based on the currently logged in QQ account.
Fine tuning some styles:

Fine-tune some blog styles to improve the user experience.
The neighbor page is rewritten separately:

Redesign and rewrite neighbor pages to improve the performance and functionality of this feature.
Add automatic installation:

The new version has added automatic installation to make the installation process more convenient. In the test environment, you need to use PHP 5.6 and Apache, and make sure that pseudo-static is enabled. The top-level domain name should point to the public folder in the root directory and then install it online via domain name +/install.
These improvements and modifications are designed to simplify the functionality of the blog, improve the user experience, and add some security and convenience features.

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