The source code is for testing only and should not be used commercially. The source code comes from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact me to remove it.
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This is the source code for a game account trading platform, used for game currency trading and mobile game account sales. The following are the installation instructions:

Pro-test environment: Linux+Nginx 1.16.1+PHP 5.6+MySQL 5.5

First, modify the configuration file: /config/config. php to configure it according to your needs.

Set Nginx pseudo-static rules and add the following to the Nginx configuration file:

location / {
#Add pseudo-static rules
rewrite ^/(.*)/ search(.*). html /k_e_k_c_c_n/index.php? str=d_i_f_t_c_n;
rewrite ^/(.*)/ view([0-9]*).html /k_e_k_c_c_n/view.php? id=d_i_f_t_c_n;
rewrite ^/(.*)/ (.*) list(.*). html /k_e_k_c_c_n/d_i_f_t_c_nlist.php? str=;
rewrite ^/(.*)/ (.*) view(.*). html /k_e_k_c_c_n/d_i_f_t_c_nview.php? id=;

#Other pseudo-static rules, add as needed
rewrite upload/(.*). (PHP)$ /– break;
rewrite upload/(.*). (asp)$ /– break;
# …

The background address is: /yjadmin/, through which you can enter the background management interface.

In the basic configuration in the background, modify the domain name, and then click 1 to complete the installation.

Please note that when deploying this type of platform, make sure you strictly follow game developer policies and laws and regulations to avoid potential legal issues.

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The source code (theme/plug-in/application source code) and other resources provided by this site are only for learning and exchange

Commercial use is prohibited, otherwise all consequences will be borne by the downloading user!

Some resources are collected or copied online. If they infringe on your legitimate rights and interests, please write to us.

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