The source code is for testing only and should not be used commercially. The source code comes from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact me to remove it.
中英文双语言海外微盘交易源码 微盘交易源码 虚拟币微盘交易系统源码 支持产品数据

The Rockefeller micro-transaction source code is a complete source code for overseas microdisks with dual language support, and also includes single control functions. This source code can be run in a specific test environment. The following is a rewrite of the relevant information:

Rockefeller Microtransaction Source Code: Dual-language overseas microdisk complete source code, with single control function

If you want to run Rockefeller microtransaction source code in your test environment, here are the following environment and configuration requirements:

Test environment: Pagoda, Linux, PHP7.3, MySQL 5.6
Source code root directory: public
Pseudo-static configuration: Laravel5, set the default document to index.html and make sure it is the first, default document, otherwise it may cause a 404 error.
K-line chart data docking: You need to use the API provided by Bee Check, and the price is about a few hundred yuan per month.
API key: In line 16 of the app/Services/CoreServices.php file, you need to change it to your own API key.
Front-end: Code compiled using Vue, no pure source code is provided.
Back-end: Developed using the Laravel5 framework, it includes simulated fluctuations in product data, the winning ratio of newly registered users, and the user's single control function.
This source code supports bilingual Chinese and English, and has some functions and can be directly operated in specific environments. Please note that K-line charts may encounter display problems that you may need to resolve yourself. The background entry is/wjy, the administrator account is admin, and the password is

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