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Source code for short drama Mini programs: fully open source, powerful, paid model

The source code of these short drama Mini programs is powerful and fully open source. It supports multiple display forms, including paid, free, task and other methods to unlock, and can be freely configured. It also has multiple functions such as user operations, marketing promotion, paid viewing and mature agent mechanisms.

The source code of these Mini programs has the following characteristics:

Infinite Sliding: High-performance sliding, preloading and video preview and other functions. It combines wallpaper and a sliding effect that mimics Douyin.
Member model: Support the member model to better manage users and increase user activity. Users can purchase multiple functions separately.
Powerful payment system: Supports multi-platform payment methods, flexible and configurable payment methods, and multiple encryption ensures transaction security. Mature agency mechanism makes marketing and promotion easier.
To build the source code for these Mini programs, you only need to upload the source code to the server, import the database file, and modify the configuration file. In addition, detailed build tutorials are also provided to help users get started faster and better.

The construction tutorial is divided into two parts: back-end construction and front-end construction:

Back-end construction:

Upload the source code to the server.
Import the database file: data.sql.
Modify the database configuration file: /application/database.php.
Set the run directory/public.
Pseudo-static settings.
Backend address: /VwmRIfEYDH. php, user name: admin password: 123456. Log in to the background-General management-System configuration-WeChat api Set your Mini programs information.
Front-end construction:

Modify the interface configuration file: /common/config.js.
Use the HBuilder X tool to compile front-end code.
Pseudo-static rule: location / { index index.html index.htm index.php; if (!- e request_filename) { rewrite ^(.*) /index.php? s=/$1 last; break; } #end #autoindex on; }
In short, the source code of this short drama Mini programs has powerful functions and a flexible payment model, making it very suitable for developers who want to build short drama Mini programs. At the same time, it also provides detailed build tutorials, allowing you to easily build it on your server and start using it.

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