The source code is for testing only and should not be used commercially. The source code comes from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact me to remove it.

Independent public account version Yuelao Marriage Blind Box source code version 4.0 program download comes with anti-red effect source code

The new version actually makes great optimizations and adds a lot of features to prevent blocking and anti-red. What features have not been carefully cleaned up during the year-round updates? Let's discuss them by ourselves!!

Specific tutorial on arranging the blind box for the old moon marriage:
1. Server requirements:

Advocate the use of LinuxCentOS 2 core 4G 50G storage or above equipment;

2. Server environment:

Installation of pagoda panels: installation php 7.3, mysql 5.6, Nginx, etc.;

3. Website device, upload source code to the root directory of the website

4. Equipment database:

Open the/config/database.php equipment database

5. Equipment pseudo-static, as follows:

6. Equipment SSL Certificates:

You can directly use the certificate generated by Futu, and the conditional domain name removal corresponds to a lot of fallacies;

7. Equipped with Volkswagen

Log in to WeChat, the public is full of mistakes and equipment the following content

[ip whitelist][transaction domain name][JS interface security domain name][web authorized domain name]

8. Website background settings:

System Settings->APP Settings

Set the public account appid and appscret in the APP settings;

Pay the merchant number and merchant key;

You can visit your user front end after setting up; the basic rules are as follows

Front desk: Your domain name/app

Rich background: Your domain name/admin

Initial device acquiesces to account password: admin123456

9. Yue Lao matchmaker's request and routine operation

1. Request the first matchmaker:

Nongyan uses WeChat to open it: After your domain name +/app, click on the delivery material to authorize the avatar to be sent to the background.

You can find your avatar in [User Rich Yan] and [Member List];

Click the button on the right [Become a Matchmaker] to fill in the materials and set the first matchmaker;

2 . Request the 2nd-n-th matchmaker:

To add a second or Nth matchmaker, you can use the same method as the first one, but there are many mistakes. The matchmaker Yue Lao who has been added in the background actively acquiesces to become a cutting-edge matchmaker (in short, there is no superior);

Matchmaker wants to launch a subordinate, directly asking the user to scan his/her implementation code, click on the request when requesting import, submit materials, and pay the request fee (here, each matchmaker can set as much as it is, and if there are mistakes, you can set it as a tacit amount. When matchmaker has no settings, call the false tacit amount). If you choose this method, you will actively bind it to the subordinate of the matchmaker to which the QR code belongs.

3 . Other operations of matchmaker Yue Lao:

On the far right side of the list, each matchmaker has the following 6 actions

1 Download Posters You can directly download promotional posters and print them everywhere to promote them.

Modifications and partner equipment speak alone

4 Reset the implementation code. Reset will only be allowed as long as the original implementation code shows some obvious abnormal problems

Reset will bring many inconveniences and generally cannot be used

5 Transfer money to change means that the matchmaker will have some income left and is open

Enterprises pay change to WeChat and click this button to transfer money with one click

Of course, the backend usually uses the manual payment I have made

6 When I have already made a payment, click this button and enter the amount to make a payment, and

After manually transferring money to matchmaker, click Confirm

Slide 5

When 56 operations are carried out, corresponding records will be presented to facilitate reconciliation.

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The new version of the All-Friends Double-Card Game is less on Apple
Someone bought it 9 minutes ago Go and have a look

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The source code (theme/plug-in/application source code) and other resources provided by this site are only for learning and exchange

Commercial use is prohibited, otherwise all consequences will be borne by the downloading user!

Some resources are collected or copied online. If they infringe on your legitimate rights and interests, please write to us.

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