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1: Download the file.
2: Install JDK13
3: Equip JDK environment variables
3.1: When installing the JDK, you can customize the device directory and other information during the installation process. For example, we chose the device directory as C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Java\\\\jdk-13.0.2;
3.2: After the installation is completed, right-click "My Computer" and click "Features";
3.3: Select the "High-end" tab and click on "Environment Variables";
3.4. In the "Environment Variable", set three characteristics: java_home, path, and classpath (case does not matter). If it already exists, click "Modify"; if it does not exist, click "New";
1)Click "New" on "User Variable", then write "java_home" on the variable name, and write "C:\\\Program Files\\\Java\\\jdk-13.0.2" on the variable value.
2)Find path in the system variable and click Modify. The meaning of path is that the system can recognize java instructions in any way. Note that you add the variable value to the end of the original variable content ";C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Java\\\jdk-13.0.2\\\\\bin;C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Java\\\\jdk-13.0.2\\\\jre\\\\\bin". (Note: The first semicolon; cannot be less)
3)Click "New" in the system variable, and then write "classpath" in the variable name. The meaning of this variable is the way java loads the class (bin or lib). As long as the class is in classpath, the java instructions can recognize it. The value is "C:\\\Program Files\\\Java\\\jdk-13.0.2\\\\\\lib\\\\dt.jar;C:\\\\\Program Files\\\\\\\\jdk-13.0.2\\\\lib\\\tools.jar"
Verify that the device was successful. Click "Start"->"Run", enter "cmd", enter "java -version", and enter "java -version". If the device is successful, the system will display java version "... 13.0.2"... (Different version numbers vary)
4: Unpack the "L2J_7.0_PreludeOfWar" file to drive D (the path still advocates that it should not have Chinese: for example, my folder name "D:\\\\L2J_7.0\\\". Note: The files in the equipment may be garbled and will not affect it. First click on the first mysql original program, then click on the mysql program below, and finally click on the program with the Heaven 2 icon.)
5: Unpack the client files, and then unpack the login into the client root directory. For font problems in the game, go online and download a font "mingliu.ttc" file. Unzip it into C:\\\\Windows\\\\Fonts, or install it directly outside. I went to the Internet to find the font file. I don't have permission, so I can only upload a 2MB font. The font is about 9MB.
6: To start the game, click directly from "...\\\systemL2TW\\\l2.exe" on your client. If the game often doesn't respond: Close the anti-virus software and restart the game.
Updated records: 2020-5-16 Corrected the display of items in the online mall.

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