The source code is for testing only and should not be used commercially. The source code comes from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact me to remove it.

[Pro-test source code] 2022 complete open source version of Feifei CMS film and television system/comes with pay-on-demand/comes with collection/no need to purchase a player/docking with a sign-free payment interface

Feifei CMS Film and Television System is an all-open source film and television website system. It has a VIP member center, supports pay-on-demand, and connects with the Z payment personal visa-free interface. It is relatively simple to build. Video tutorials and text tutorials have been equipped to support custom rules for URL optimization. There is no need to purchase a player. It has a collection interface. You can write collection yourself. There are both rules and tags.

Test environment:
Nginx 1.18.0–MySQL 5.6.50–PHP-5.6
//PHP5.6 Device Expansion (fileinfo)

1. Create a website and upload the source code to the root directory of the website
I have created it here before, I will delete it and rebuild it

2. Set folder permissions to 777

3. Create database and import
Correct database connection information/Runtime/Conf/config.php

site_domain Correct website domain name

4. Set website pseudo-static

location / {
if (!- e $request_filename) {
rewrite ^(.*)$ index.php? s=$1 last;

Keep it, restart NG

5. Visit the backend of the website: domain name/admin.php
1) System- URL Optimization-Open the URL customization switch and click Submit
2) System-Pay-on-Demand- Z Payment-Enter the Z Payment Merchant Number and Key
3) The collection comes with two aggregated video libraries. If you want to connect with others, you can also write rules yourself.

Everyone else can take a look in the background and correct your website information

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Bole card issuing system source code
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The source code (theme/plug-in/application source code) and other resources provided by this site are only for learning and exchange

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