The source code is for testing only and should not be used commercially. The source code comes from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact me to remove it.

1. feature highlights

a. Connect with Weixin Official Accounts (personal subscription numbers can also be used) to achieve quick purchase and quick query of card passwords, making it more convenient and quick

b. Not only support card secret products, but also support fixed card secret and replacement products

c. Coupons and full discount activities to enhance user stickiness

d. Docking for sign-free payment, and individuals can make easy payment without having to do so

e-membership system, users can enjoy membership prices after opening a membership

2. What can you do with it?

1. Forum invitation codes or forum points cards are sold secretly (docking code payment and easy payment)

2. Online disk resource type for sale

3. Sales of substitute goods, such as phone bills

4. You can even use it to sell physical goods

Note: This program is free and open source, so please do not use it for illegal purposes!
3. WeChat usage demonstration

A253 Qiwei Automatic Card Issuing System
4. Introduction to payment methods

We have connected two sign-free payment methods: code payment and easy payment

Code payment: You need to install computer software 24 hours a day, but after paying, the amount will be sent directly to your Alipay or WeChat. It is recommended for users with a large number of people to use this method. This method is a bit troublesome to configure. It uses QQ Wallet and Alipay for free, and opens Weixin Pay for an additional fee of 58 yuan

Easy Pay: There are currently many Easy Pay on the market. The advantage is that there is no need to hang up software. After users pay, the amount will go to the Easy Pay platform first. The disadvantage is that Easy Pay will charge a handling fee for withdrawing cash.
5. Email configuration instructions

It is recommended to use 139 mailbox for email

Port: 465

The following operations require authorization first,
and the server php version requires the installation of sg11 extensions.
Suggestion: Use pagoda, php56 version

Start installation:
1. Open the file conf.php in the root directory to configure database information
2. Enter: Domain Name/? install, please delete the install directory after installation is successful

Back-end address domain name/? admin Default account password admin 123456
Please give the file 777 permission, otherwise an exception may occur
Demonstration address:
Detailed introduction address: thread-32.htm

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Resource download
Price10 Meteor coin
Customer Service QQ: 138338438
Original link:, please indicate the source for reprinting.


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Site Announcements

The source code (theme/plug-in/application source code) and other resources provided by this site are only for learning and exchange

Commercial use is prohibited, otherwise all consequences will be borne by the downloading user!

Some resources are collected or copied online. If they infringe on your legitimate rights and interests, please write to us.

Currently, members have a big reward, and the current price for a lifetime member is 299 gold coins.Recent price adjustments

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