preface Many frameworks such as mybatis plug-ins, servlets filter, dubbo, security frameworks such as Spring sec...
2021-12-11 233 0Free
meteor network 2021-12-11

Preface Today, a junior developer in the group asked why the tester tested that the price calculation module he wrote had calculation deviations...
2021-12-11 285 0Free
meteor network 2021-12-11

preface We should be familiar with random numbers. We use them to generate Captcha in business, or we have low requirements for repeatability...
2021-12-11 200 0Free
meteor network 2021-12-11

1. preface A few years ago, our project was still running on structs 2, and once I asked a colleague if he knew Spring...
2021-12-11 234 0Free
meteor network 2021-12-11

Why design patterns are needed In fact, we can complete the development work without a design pattern. But why design...
2021-12-11 221 0Free
meteor network 2021-12-11

preface I believe that many java developers have written about status changes, such as order processes, leave processes, etc. Generally...
2021-12-11 297 0Free
meteor network 2021-12-11

1. overview Java 8 introduces new APIs for Date and Time to solve the problem of old java.util.Date and java.util.Ca...
2021-12-11 229 0Free
meteor network 2021-12-11

1. overview An important feature introduced by Java 8 is undoubtedly the Stream API. Stream translates as "stream"...
2021-12-10 210 0Free
meteor network 2021-12-10

There are not many features that are useful to developers in Java 12, but it is still useful. String enhancement Java ...
2021-12-10 232 0Free
meteor network 2021-12-10

Java 11 is another LTS version since Java 8 and is currently one of the most used LTS versions in the world. Today I...
2021-12-10 222 0Free
meteor network 2021-12-10

In the previous article, we reviewed some features of Java 9, and today we will take a look at what features Java 10 brings...
2021-12-10 252 0Free
meteor network 2021-12-10

Java 17 is one of the most important LTS releases of Java, but the direct transition from Java 8 to Java 17 is too long.
2021-12-05 283 1Free
meteor network 2021-12-05
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