最新麻豆MDYS14源码 苹果CMS视频网站 CMS网站管理系统 苹果影视CMS系统 附搭建教程

This latest Apple CMS system with Madou MDYS14 source code and fried dough stick video looks very powerful and is suitable for building video websites. The following is its basic introduction and construction tutorial:

basic introduction
Custom parameters: Add custom parameters in the background to correspond to the member upgrade page and point recharge.
The system modules are complete: the video, actor, feature, collection, and member system modules are complete and support sub-categories, and no longer only displays a single main category.
Free zone: You can directly designate videos under a category as free zone.
Card secret payment system: A complete card secret payment system requires no manual supervision or hanging codes.
Playback interface: There are three different playback interfaces for unregistered members, ordinary registered members and VIP members. Each type of member sees different playback interface prompts.
Template PC+WAP: Supports PC and WAP, and can be perfectly packaged into APP.
Easy operation: In addition to website logos and custom advertisements, other interfaces do not require special settings. As long as there is a collection interface, the website can be easily operated.
Build a tutorial
environmental requirements
Domain name resolution (support secondary domain names)
PHP 7.0 and above
MySQL 5.6 and above
Nginx/Apache Server
Back-end building steps
Upload source code: Upload the back-end source code to a server or virtual host.
Unpack source code: Unpack source code files in the server.
Configure database:
Create a new MySQL database.
Import the database file (usually a.sql file) from the source package into the newly created database.
Modify configuration file:
Open the configuration file (for example, the config.php or.env file) in the root directory of the website.
Configure database connection information (database name, user name, password, host address, etc.).
Installation website:
Visit your domain name/install to install.
Follow the prompts to fill in the relevant information to complete the installation.
Front-end configuration steps
Modify configuration file: Modify the website address and other information in the front-end configuration file as needed.
Upload front-end files: Upload front-end files to the corresponding directory of the server.
Set pseudo-static:
If you use Nginx, configure pseudo-static rules.
If you use Apache, enable the.htaccess file.
Test access: Visit your domain name to make sure the website is running properly.
subsequent configuration
Member system settings: Configure custom parameters for member upgrades and points recharge in the background.
Video classification: Set video classification in the background and specify free classification.
Advertising settings: Customize website logos and advertising spaces and other information.
Capture interface: Configure the video capture interface to ensure that video resources can be automatically updated.
Through these steps, you can build a fully functional video website that supports membership systems and card secret payment systems, and is suitable for operating video content.

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