开源电商系统 ShopXO开源商城 后端PHP+前端uniapp源码 企业级B2C电商系统内置8种配色

This information introduces a uniapp theme source code developed based on the ShopXO free open source e-commerce system, which supports the development of a variety of Mini programs, H5 and APP. The following is a detailed introduction and construction tutorial:

basic introduction
Framework: uniapp
Back-end support: ShopXO free open source e-commerce system
Multi-end support: Mini programs (WeChat, QQ, Baidu, Alipay, Headline Douyin, Fast Hand), H5, APP
Theme switching: Built-in 8 main colors (expandable), allowing you to switch freely and quickly to meet the needs of major industries
feature highlights
Multi-end support: Compatible with WeChat, QQ, Baidu, Alipay, Headline Douyin, Fast Hand Mini programs, as well as H5 and APP.
Theme switching: There are 8 main colors built-in, and users can modify the theme configuration in the App. vue file.
Quick configuration: Just change request_url and static_url to your own mall address in App.vue.
Build a tutorial
environmental requirements
Development language: uniapp
IDE tool: HBuilderX
Back-end system: ShopXO
Front-end configuration steps
Clone source code:

git clone https://github.com/your-repo/shopxo-uniapp.git
cd shopxo-uniapp
Installation dependencies:
Open HBuilderX, load the project directory, and install project dependencies.

Modify configuration:

Open the App. vue file, find the request_url and static_url, and modify them to your own mall address.
The default theme is red. If you need to change the theme, you can modify the default_theme identifier to another theme in the App.vue file.
Theme expansion:

If you need to expand more theme colors, you can add a new color scheme to your project's theme profile.
Mini programs configuration
Weixin Mini Programs:

Create Mini programs on the WeChat public platform and obtain AppID.
Fill in the AppID of the Weixin Mini Programs in manifest. json.
Use the WeChat Developer Tool to open the project, debug and publish it.
Other Mini programs (QQ, Baidu, Alipay, Headline Douyin, Fast Hand):

Create corresponding Mini programs and obtain AppIDs according to the requirements of each platform.
Fill in the AppID of the corresponding Mini programs in manifest. json.
Use the appropriate developer tools to open the project, debug and publish it.
H5 and APP configuration

Open HBuilderX, select H5 compilation mode, and compile the project.
Deploy the compiled file to a Web server.

Open HBuilderX, select APP compilation mode, and compile the project.
Generate an Android or iOS installation package as needed and conduct installation testing.
Back-end Configuration (ShopXO)
Install ShopXO:

Download the source code of ShopXO and install it. Please refer to the official ShopXO documentation for specific installation steps.
Configure interface:

Configure the API interface in the back end of ShopXO so that the front end can correctly call the back end interface.
Technical support and usage tutorial
Technical support:

Provide detailed development documentation and usage tutorials.
Provide online technical support to solve users 'problems during use.
Use the tutorial:

Introduction to project structure:
src/: Source code directory.
components/: Component catalog.
pages/: Page directory.
utils/: Tool function directory.
Development process:
Add new pages under pages/directory.
Add or modify components under components/directory.
Use the utility functions in the utils/directory to simplify the development process.
Through these steps, you can quickly build and launch powerful e-commerce Mini programs that support multi-terminal operation and are suitable for the needs of various industries.

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Original link:https://bcbccb.cn/en/18546.html, please indicate the source for reprinting.


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